
Monday, January 12, 2015

A Year of Dates

Last year, I somehow found a link on Instagram to a blog post about planning out a year of date nights.  I thought it was a really good idea at the time but never acted on it.  That's not going to happen this year.  With some help from Phil, we've started to come up with a date idea for every month this year.

Because like the writer, I believe in date nights!  

I believe we should spend quality time together now, before we have kids. Enjoying these times where it is just the two of us.  I believe we should make it a priority to focus only on each other, without our phones or social media, for at least one night a month.  I believe that dates help us to remember why we started dating in the beginning.

I also believe that dates don't have to be expensive to be fun.  We usually try to find fun ideas around town that don't cost a lot.  While the money spent is completely worth it, I don't feel the need to spend a lot of money to make the date feel real.  As long as I'm with Phil, that's all that matters.

Here are the ideas we have so far!  Can't wait to see how this works for us...
January - Ice Skating Downtown
February - NCSU basketball game
March - STOMP! at the DPAC
April - One word -- PARIS!
May - Picnic at the park
June -
July - Day trip to the beach
August -
September -
October - Go to the State Fair
November -
December - Christmas Lights

While we have a general idea of what we will do most months, everything hasn't been completely planned out.  And I think that will work better for us.  We can just go with the flow and see what works best for us.  Maybe even bring the sweet puppy on a couple of the dates.

There are still a few months we haven't figured out yet!  Maybe we should try something new, like dance lessons.  I'd love to hear any ideas you have.

1 comment:

  1. Saw you on instagram and thought I would check your blog out. Date nights, a must, especially BEFORE the kids come. I've been married 28 years and trust me, it takes commitment and planning so take it all in now. You two make a cute couple.
